SD-WAN SD-WAN is Software-Defined Wide Area Network, allows companies to use any combination of digital data transformation services, including MPLS, LTE, and broadband internet services, to securely connect users to applications.

How Does It Work?

SD-WAN enables cloud-centric companies to deliver a superior application quality of experience (QoEX) for users. SD-WAN provides application-aware routing across the WAN Using intelligence and by identifying applications. Each class of applications receives the appropriate QoS and security policy enforcement, depending on the business needs.
SD-WAN employs a centralized control function to intelligently and securely route traffic across the WAN network. This increases application performance and delivers a high-quality user experience, increasing agility and business productivity, and reducing costs for IT. .

The Significance of SD-WAN

You should consider implementing SD-WAN technology if:

  • Your existing WAN network is stressed, packets start to drop and it affects your company’s call and video quality.
  • Experience internet outages at work that causes business interruption and results in poor user experience.
  • You want to increase your network capacity at an affordable cost.
  • You want to quickly meet your changing network needs.

Benefits of SD-WAN

Key benefits of SD-WAN include:

  • Optimized user experience and efficiency for software-as-a-service (SaaS) and public cloud applications.
  • Reduced costs with transport independence across MPLS, 4G/5G LTE, and other connection types
  • Simplifying operations with cloud-based management and automation
  • Boosts security
  • Lowers complexity.

Before users were connected back to the corporate data center to access business applications, but now, they are accessing those same applications in the cloud. As a result, the traditional WAN is no longer suitable mainly because of backhauling all traffic. This is where SD-WAN helps businesses by providing a seamless on-ramp to the cloud with significant application performance and data privacy.